For foreign entrepreneurs: set up a company in Singapore

Amercin & Ross will handle your company registration admin online, from bank accounts to compliance. No paperwork, fast registration, and expert guidance throughout.

Why Register Your Company In Singapore

Why choose Amercin & Ross for your company incorporation?

Local experts on your side

Work closely with experts on-the-ground in Singapore. Get support via live chat, email or phone as well as easy access to advice and in-person consultations.

Speedy registration

We prepare and file your application with Companies Registry. Your business is typically registered in less than 3 business days.

Tax right from day one

We’ll advise on business structure, accounting set-up, and tax reliefs available to your business.

Register online from anywhere

No need to travel; we handle everything remotely and online. We collect documents, fill in forms and help you comply with local requirements.


If you’re a foreigner residing outside Singapore and you’re looking to start a company, we have our incorporation package where we help you through company registration, getting a permanent address for your company, acquiring a corporate secretary, and opening a bank account among other services.

Company Incorporation
Unlimited Corporate Secretary for 1 year
Nominee Director for 1 year
Local Address for 1 year
PRICING$280 per month$275 per month $200 per month

More Details

Company Incorporation

Once you provide us access to your investors’ details and company name, we will formulate and submit your application to the ACRA within 1 to 3 hrs.

Resident Nominee Director

Your Company must have one local director as required by the law. We offer you a nominee director at no extra charges/ security fee to fulfill the requirements of the law.

Corporate Secretary (Unlimited)

Having a corporate secretary is a legal requirement for a company. A corporate secretary is an integral part of the company as they help you file all the legal documents and files. We offer you a highly qualified secretary in this package without any extra charges.

Local permanent address

A company in Singapore is required to have a local physical address. This is where all your official documents are sent. We provide you with a physical address, and once we receive any documents, we scan and send them to you. In case you require the physical reports to be sent to you, you will have to cover the mailing charges.


Services you may require if your account meets certain criteria.

    Dependants pass application and renewal


    Assistance in opening a bank account (physical presence required at the bank)


    Your companies rubber stamp

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